I am approaching this blog a bit differently as the lag is killing me!
From now on I will alternate between a blog that is current and a blog that is retrospective...
it should mean something like this:
Izmir- Paris - Istanbul - London - Singapore - Athens - Langkawi - Madrid - Langkawi - Sevilla - Langkawi - Madrid - Vietnam - Vietnam - Vietnam ....

Or something like that!
Then you will be as disorientated as I am but also have a taste of where I am nowish!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Ramblings from notes on my iphone while in Singapore

So many manicured feet, non-sensical English slogans on t-shirts, tattoos? Where do the hidden workers go, it's great to feel tall, forgetting to take photos is a good sign!
Is the need to blog a desire to proclaim or converse?
Does it destroy the capacity to observe and absorb or, as importantly, richly describe? Am I thinking in snappy, pithy fb soundbites?
Racism is when you pay more attention to security in ethnic zones.
The efficiency is undeniable - but why do I always feel like I'm cattle being herded?
I am too self-conscious to tap my feet to songs on my iPhone - no-one else does... what would happen if I broke out in song and sung along to Dolly Parton?!!
The escalators changed direction at the local shopping centre - why?
I saw rubbish! Durian sucks
Kindness from strangers shouldn't be more important than kindness from friends... but it is!


Fiona and Simon said...

You sound like you are really settling into being a traveller now. So jealous that you can see feet! Keep the random stuff coming, I love it.....but is it racism, or do you lose the blanket of familiar, the security of sameness, your tribe (and Dolly's)?

Unknown said...

Hi Lisa,

Lovely ramblings. Tap those feet baby! Go to Little India for chaos and cacophony.

I tried to post the other day without having to sign in.

I miss your txting during the day but am very pleased to be reading your blog-thoughts.


Unknown said...

where are you now???? Awaiting more photos :):)

Unknown said...

Dolly Parton....or Patsy Kline, but not Tammy Wynette.